

Below you’ll find some links that should be helpful to any angler:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Delaware Fishing License Information

Delaware FIN# (Fisherman Information Network Number)

Delaware State Park Surf Fishing Vehicle Permits

Delaware tides

Delaware beaches weather        ‘Andy & Opie Kid’s Fishing Tournament’.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

Chatty places

Let’s talk fishing.  Local, Coast-wide or nation wide!  Some are gentle, some require a flame-resistant suit – Just want it says! Links to fishing clubs in every state. Has a partner site to Find A Fishing Buddy. Local Fishing forum – Heavy on boat fishing but it does have a Surf Fishing forum.

Caught the Skunk – Fishing, boating and crabbing, NY to VA

StripersOnline Surf Talk –  Covers the East Coast with regional forums

Stripers24/7 –  Another East Coast site with regional forums


Like-minded organizations

North Carolina Beach Buggy Association

Assateague Mobile Sportsfishermen’s Association

Massachusetts Beach Buggy Association

Outer Banks Preservation Association


Other good information

Saltwater Fly Anglers of Delaware – Local fly-fishing club out of Lewes, DE.

Island Free Press – Local Hatteras Island news

Animated fishing knots – Great site to learn how to tie that knots